One session can be completed in approximately 30 minutes, so you’ll be in and out before you know it. During the treatment, clients will experience a mild sensation of hot pinpricks with only minimal discomfort. Your dermal clinician will gently guide the Clear + Brilliant hand piece across the treatment area for approximately 15 minutes. A topical antioxidant serum will be applied to the skin immediately after treatment.

Post treatment, you will experience redness and possible swelling. You will notice most of the swelling on the first morning after treatment, particularly under the eyes. Swelling usually lasts one to two days. To minimise swelling, we recommend sleeping with your head elevated and avoid food high in sodium. A cold compress or cooling facial mask may be applied after 1 hour post procedure.



If you wish to use local topical anaesthetic (LTA), please arrive 30 minutes before your appointment time to apply the LTA under our supervision to ensure it is applied correctly.  By law, we cannot supply or apply LTA on clients.  LTA is available to purchase at any pharmacy.  Some brands we recommend are Numb It and Emla.

Prior to your treatment, avoid excessive sun exposure for at least seven days as sun damaged skin is more sensitive to the laser and can lead to adverse effects. Apply sunscreen liberally if you need to head outdoors.

Use gentle skin care products and avoid exfoliative devices or products seven days prior to the treatment. Stop all Retinol products seven days prior to the treatment as well.


Our dermal clinicians will tailor a bespoke post care skincare regime for you to ensure optimal results are achieved.

During the first week, use a mild cleanser and light moisturiser only. If you begin to peel, please allow your skin to heal and do not scrub, rub, or use exfoliants. Keep clothing away from treated body parts as much as possible to avoid irritation.

Scrubs, Toners, Glycolic Acid and Retinols should be avoided for seven days or until your skin is properly healed to avoid irritation.

It is very important that you use sunscreen to prevent sun damage to the skin. If direct sun exposure is necessary, wear a hat and clothing that covers the treated area. Your practice of diligent sunscreen use may lower the risk of laser-induced hyper-pigmentation.